Yep, Buster and Gina are expecting… i mean, Gina is expecting and Buster is, well expectant!
Month: November 2007
Congrats D & C!
I can’t seem to upload any pictures to my blog these days, otherwise I would have one of Derek and Chantal holding up some very small clothing…. Not sure what they would need that for! haha Congrats you guys!
Ok, got things sorted out…. and here are a few pics.
Texas Barbecue! It lives up to its name.
Also, I have put a few pics of my trip to China on Flickr.
I like this. Can’t say I’ve ever been a reggae fan but this is different somehow… Reggae – Hassidic style… : )
A few weeks ago I attended a Torah study in Calgary. It was an interesting experience. For one, I learned that it isn’t kosher to enter a synagogue without a kippa. I guess I should have known that but somehow, being in Canada, I forgot. Someone kindly provided me with one.
One of the things that caught my attention were some of the similar questions that were asked by the people attending the study to those that I have heard asked at school and elsewhere. For example, one lady asked why God refers to himself in the plural. The rabbi answered that it was perhaps because God was modest… He said he would have to refer to his books for a better answer. The study is in Genesis, yet in the curriculum, there is no mention of the Fall whatsoever. I think this study comes from a Kabbalist perspective (Chabad Lubavitch which is the same sect of Judaism that Matisyahu comes out of). I would have liked to have heard what the Rabbi thought of Gen. 3:14.
I am grateful for the richness of meaning and clarity that Jesus has brought to the Old Testament Scriptures. It would be awesome to hear Matisyahu rap about that.
The Office
Welcome to our office. This is Jack, a good friend and electrician. You will notice, Jack is working by a light stand that is connected to an outlet that is connected by a wire to the panel…. children, don’t try this at home.
This is Troy, Jim and Me…. very productive office workers.
The office at its current state of development… with more light on the way… and partitions…
Blogging with smartphone
Blogging at a mall store!