I just got back from camp and have a few pictures that I promised the guys I would put up on my blog. So – Squared, Stretch, Neutron, Spike, Samba, DB, Hawks – thanks for a great week! I hope you guys learned something and had a good time!
The canoe outrip. We battled wind and waves (ok, maybe just wind, and then skeeters that threatend to carry off some of the smaller campers.
Brett aka DB on the lookout for dangerous marine life.
Cabin 106 getting ready for a skit.
Matt – aka Hawks was a talented artist who put his skill to good use.
Connor – aka Neutron… laughing.
Connor – aka Squared losing his concentration on the belay line. Nice jump Matt!
Mitch – aka Stretch on the zip line.
Sam and Zack aka – Samba and Spike in Talent Night.
Our daily game of slaps… we got pretty good by the end.
PS – Connor and Connor, before you ask, – “I am doing good” and “I want 20 thingamabobs” : )
good job–you learned everyone’s real names and then also learned (or gave them?) nicknames!?